Episode 178 – Socialist Americans Vs God…A Losing Battle for U.S.

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

We need to ask, “What is happening to our America?” If this has turned into Socialist Americans VS GOD WAR…then we are all in A LOSING BATTLE! Please stop whatever else you are doing and listen to the following words of warning to America and the world. Truth is truth and does not depend on yours or my beliefs to be so.

It is a fearful thing to be the subject of God’s wrath. Many voters have been so brainwashed by the media that they believe that our elected leaders are much wiser than those of us who voted them into power. If you count yourself among those who have accepted that lie, then you need to wake up before it becomes the truth and America is over.

Is it not painfully obvious that, as a people, we have, for years, placed power in the hands of those who are systematically destroying a nation blessed by God, and one that was built and defended by patriots for more than two centuries?

The big question is this: “Is it too late to save America, and if so, is it too late to save the person who is seeking a way out of this disaster and is looking to find the narrow road to eternal life?” The fantastic news is that if you are that seeker of truth, Chaplain R.T. Byrum will show you the way in today’s message.


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Episode 177 – WHEN God says, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!”

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

We cannot escape the fact that every day the world situation is getting worse and worse. Wickedness, corruption, perversion, crime make up most of the headlines and, like a barrel of rotten apples, it will only continue to collapse.

Sooner or later God will have to intervene or everything and everyone will die. The Bible reminds us that there was a time thousands of years ago, when God looked down on the wickedness of man and, in His anger, declared; “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!”

Our host for today’s program, Chaplain R.T. Byrum, shows how past prophetic events foreshadow what is to come in our own day. Will there be another flood as in Noah’s time, or does God have a more permanent plan of dealing with those who do evil?

There are only two ends to what is to come. One is eternal life with God and the other is eternal death in the lake of fire. Stay tuned to the end and make sure where you stand.

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Episode 165 – Socialists Have Stolen The Democratic Party.

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

If you are a member of the left only because your family has always voted that way, it is past time to stand on you own feet and make your own decision.

It was the Russian Dictator Vladimir Lenis who said, “The goal of socialism is communism.” Followers of Karl Marx often refer to “socialism as the first, necessary phase on the way from capitalism to communism.”

When Americans who vote today’s Democratic ticket find no problem with those in Washington who have rebranded the party as Socialist Democrats, then such voters are surrendering the greatest free country in history to tyranny. How will our children and grandchildren regard our generation that robbed them of the God given rights that we enjoyed?

President Reagan was right when he said, “I didn’t leave the Democratic Party…they left me.” Perhaps it is time for you to join the side fighting for your freedom.

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 166 – Boiling a Frog

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

BOILING A FROG is about America’s resemblance to the small green amphibian sitting in a pan of cold water that is slowly being heated up. By the time the frog realizes what is happening, it is boiled to death. As a nation, we have become so complacent that we have missed the signs that we are being cooked like that poor creature.

Communism aka socialism aka progressivism aka liberalism has tried breaking down our doors of freedom for decades and has met with the stubborn determination of patriots who built and defended America.

Thanks to the media, government education, and treasonous politicians, the move to subtle indoctrination is wearing down our resistance. Is it too late to “drain the swamp,” turn down the heat, force common sense to rule once again? It depends on whether or not you are willing to fight or surrender your rights. Chaplain R.T. Byrum tells it like it is in Boiling a Frog.


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Episode 167 – The Myth of Being an Independent or Moderate by Chaplain R.T. Byrum

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

In Revelation 3:15-16, The Apostle John recorded the message to the ancient church in Laodicea, “I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.”

The modern application of that scripture describes people who proudly declare themselves to be “Independent, moderate or neutral” when it comes to casting their hard won vote for an America that is free, or one that is enslaved under tyranny.

Such people vote a particular way because their parents did, or because they are swayed by a biased media, or simply because they never took time to research the background of their chosen candidate.

Some have said, “I vote for the person, not the party.” Let’s be real…if a candidate runs on the agenda of his or her party you are voting for the party. How is that working out for your quality of life?

Elections have incredible consequences for good or for bad. Study to make the right decisions and vote accordingly. Don’t be a Laodicea sitting on the fence…you could get hurt in the end.

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Episode 168 – Every knee shall bow

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

Romans 14:11 contains this prophetic statement: “AND EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW…” That does not refer to the offensive demonstration by 49’s NFL player Colin Kaepernick’s taking a knee during the National Anthem. His “protest” against oppression of blacks drove away viewers on both sides of the debate, the patriotic Americans and the “woke” community. The ESPN sports channel lost more than 4 million viewers and saw revenue drop over $52 million as offended fans tuned out on such politics injected into football.

What made the foolish demonstration worse was that Colin’s $20 million dollar net worth was not being used to improve the lives of his “brothers” and “sisters” of color, but to enrich his own life with mansions, apartments, and a collection of expensive cars.

Kaepernick, for now, is out of the limelight and the NFL is slowly recovering, but has any good resulted from the fiasco? Apparently not for black Americans are still being oppressed (mostly by other blacks) and good relations between races are never improved by attacking the country that has done more to abolish slavery than any other in history.

The answer lies in recognizing the powers driving such hatred. It is time that true Americans recognize that the enemy is not white or black or rich or poor, but rather a deep state organization that is using class warfare to destroy this nation.

There is a time coming when the entire world will take a knee…not at a sporting event, but…just hit the play button and you will understand.


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Episode 169 – An Open Letter to an American on the Left

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

This message, “An Open Letter to an American on the Left” is addressed to those who, for whatever reason, hate America, mock God, and vote against freedom. It also serves as a reminder to conservatives and Christians that we are vulnerable to indoctrination by those who see to destroy what God has blessed us with and what many have toiled and died to preserve.

Chaplain Byrum compares this present world to a sinking ocean liner. Great holes caused by greed, lust, hate, and envy are inevitably taking it on a final journey down to destruction.

It is presented in answer to a recent public comment by a liberal American who stated that, “Christians are arrogant about their faith in their God.” In truth, we are humbled by our faith, and it pains us to see anyone blinded by lack of knowledge in danger of losing out on the incredible days that will follow the coming wrath of God.

This program is one of warning, but it is also one of hope.

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Episode 171 – Not Your Father’s Democratic Party

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

THIS IS NOT YOUR FATHER’S DEMOCRATIC PARTYChaplain R.T. Byrum shows how the once great balance between left and right, red and blue, has been eroding in the last few decades. Socialism, which Karl Marx described as the first step towards communism, has crept into government, education and even the media. When and how did that change take place, and more importantly, how can Americans who love their country fight it?

Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Propaganda Minister, who said: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such a time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

The U.S. is in danger of surrendering our God-given rights and freedoms to the big lies coming from the elitists who have taken over the Democratic Party. It will take voters from both sides of the spectrum to beat them back and restore what they have destroyed. It is your right and your responsibility to vote. For the sake of our nation, do it wisely…for there may not be another chance.


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Episode 173 – America Has Been Betrayed

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

The time for tiptoeing around the truth is past. America is on the slippery slope to becoming a third-world communist satellite. Today’s message is: “AMERICA HAS BEEN BETRAYED.” Attacks from outside our borders by hostile countries is terrorism. Attacks from inside our borders by people presumed to be Americans is tyranny. Even if you voted the liberal ticket, I hope you will take the few minutes to learn what socialist insurgents have done to the party of your parents and grandparents. Loyalty to those who are destroying your freedom, your prosperity and even your lives is not a virtue, but rather a surrender of your God-given rights. You will learn the difference between the mob rule of democracy compared to the representative rule of our constitutional republic. You will understand the value and necessity of the Electoral College that the Left wants to abolish. You will also hear from the story of a woman who escaped Romania’s communist rule and, perhaps better than many of us, she truly appreciates America. She wrote, “I came to understand and appreciate capitalism, the one system that had the most dramatic effect in elevating human civilization.” If true lovers of freedom fail to grasp that truth before entering the voting booth, we are in danger of losing everything

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Episode 172 – A New Birth of Freedom

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

Chaplain R.T. Byrum


A NEW BIRTH OF FREEDOM—In 1893, Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous Gettysburg address which included these closing words, “…from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”  

Once again, enemies within our borders are threatening to destroy what so many have fought, worked and even died for. Politicians, educators and even the once unbiased media have supported everything from banning God from public events, to teaching Critical Race Theory and gender dysphoria. These and many other socialist indoctrinations are especially poisoning our young people…our next generation.

The next decisive battle may not be fought with bullets as in Lexington and Concord, but with ballots at the upcoming all future elections. Chaplain R.T. Byrum explains what patriotic Americans must do to bring about a New Birth of Freedom. If we fail, there may be no third opportunity.

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